القائمة الرئيسية



Who should read this book?
This textbook has been written for the practicing dentist, 
dental hygienist, dental assistant, and those students who 
aspire to enter the rewarding profession of dentistry. It is 
also meant to be a resource for dental educators. It is 
written in such a way that even patients interested in 
learning more about preventive dentistry should be able 
to easily understand this book: it is not a research text or 
complicated clinical manual. As with most clinical text-
books in dentistry, however, the current literature has 
been reviewed and cited. Each chapter discusses the 
 current state of knowledge, with numerous practical sug-
gestions for the private practice setting and discussions 
as to which products have been successfully used in pre-
ventive dentistry. A public health approach to managing 
dental disease in the population as a whole is occasion-
ally mentioned in this book, but this is not its focus. 
Nevertheless, community dentistry students and Public 
Health Dentists would find this a useful text to learn 
about preventive procedures that might be adapted from 
the private practice setting to a public health setting. The 
main goal of the book is to bring to the reader new con-
cepts not covered in other texts in dentistry and intro-
duce the reader to new approaches to preventing dental 
diseases, especially dental caries.
What is preventive dentistry?
Preventive dentistry has its roots from the Latin terms 
‘praevenire,’ which means ‘to anticipate’ and ‘dens,’ which 
is the word for tooth. Dentists and their team members 
strive every working day to ‘anticipate’ what could hap-
pen to their patients’ teeth and supporting structures. 
To predict whether a subject under observation will end 
up with damaged or diseased oral tissues, diagnosing the 
presence or absence of disease and then assessing risk 
for future disease, is required. These topics are discussed 
in Chapters 2 and 15, respectively.
In Chapter 1, the introduction chapter, we discuss the 
various levels of prevention. This book endeavors to 
review the best methods for primary prevention of dental 
disease: through primary prevention it is possible with 
intervention to ‘anticipate’ 
disease and 
prevent it alto-
gether. Comprehensive 
preventive dentistry also includes 
intervening early,
 when the disease is just starting, and 
returning the subject to good health. This is 
